Category Archives: Current Events

Border Force Protection Racket Hits Snag – Clumsiness Blamed

Hello fellow champions of democracy. I couldn’t let the recent interesting events in Melbourne concerning our very own Border Force (on Friday 28 August – so sue me, I need what the therapists call Take Up Time) go by without saluting them in words and images. After the hilarious ‘toon, I’ve also added the media releases by Australian Border Force and here’s a link to the ABC’s timeline of how the – what would you call it, oh, yes – fiasco unfolded

Cartoon of Border Force and Operation Fortitude

Media releases from ABF

The first one is delighted to announce the operation during which “officers will … be speaking with any individual we cross paths with.” Nothing threatening about that, citizens.

Australian Border Force Press Release re Operation Fortitude


The second one offers clarification in which the ABF “will not stop people at random in the streets and does not target on the basis of race, religion, or ethnicity.” That’s good to know.

Australian Border Force Press Release re Operation Fortitude


Then there’s the short media conference by Commissioner Q regarding the “clumsily worded” press release from way down low in the organisation: ie, the chap (Commander Don Smith) who runs the show for Victoria and Tasmania – must be a Private or a Corporal Commander, then.

Australian Border Force press release re cancellation of Operation Fortitude

I sure hope they get that clumsiness sorted soon because apparently there’s going to be 5,000 to 6,000 Border Forcelings out there eventually and they’ll be trained, armed to the gunwales and ready to rock and roll.

Clumsy doesn’t cut it, really, Q.



Want a laugh at the end of a week of wailing in Queensland, and elsewhere?

Last Cat On Mars image Ripley comic

Last Cat On Mars – We Cartoon so You Don’t Have To

Then you’ve come to the right place – in a shameless bit of cross promotion, I’m inviting you to check out my friend, Last Cat On Mars, and her website over at Last Cat On Mars – original much?

What’s that I said about Queensland, sunniest state in the world for some of the shadiest people (read more about them in my novel, Spawned Secrets – shameless, shameless self-promotion. Who knew? It’s the political hysteria – it’s getting to all of us).

Look, it’s Friday afternoon,  and Australia’s Prime Minister is going to be punted by his own party sometime in the next week or so (today is Feb 6/15) – I know you’ll forgive me, and if not, then check out this amazingly even-handed, unbiased work of startling cartoonery from my idol First Dog On The Moon, the inspiration behind Last Cat On Mars. Also, here in Election One Day, Premierless The Next Queensland, we’re punchie waiting for all the pre-poll votes to be counted in and out.

Enjoy the weekend, grasshoppers, and let us conjointly pray to the Teapot Goddess for an election result in Queensland that favours integrity, kindness, aid to the most vulnerable, helpless and needy in our society, and respect for each other.

Lead blunted? Inkwell dry? Not for long, grasshoppers. Vive Charlie Hebdo, Vive Free Speech.


Je Suis Charlie with Mime

The internet is all about free speech, Some idiots abuse the privilege, but most of us know that freedom comes with responsibilities, rights come with respect. So sharpen your pencils, fill up your ink bottles, position yourself or your characters, and speak, speak freely.

Except. Continue reading

As the Willow Gently Weeps: Why did Phillip Hughes’s death affect us so much?

Phillip Hughes remembrance poster

The last time I consistently watched Test cricket, or any cricket, as a very interested fan was several hundred years ago, when names like Rodney Marsh, Dennis Lillee, Jeff Thomson, Bill Lawrie, Richie Benaud, the Chappell brothers, and Keith Stackpole were bending and spinning, bouncing and gardening, pulling and snicking and lofting. Continue reading