
Apart from ttf, as we grasshoppers in the aficionado know like to call it, I maintain two poetry blogs – they’re my sanity savers and challenges to do something every day by way of creative activity. You might like to take a look sometime.

Veranda Life - Breathe, Relax, Drink Black Tea Often

Veranda Life – Breathe, Relax, Drink Black Tea Often

Veranda Life – Breathe, Relax, Drink Black Tea Often – is a challenge I started in 2010 and whose major project – 999 Verandakus – was completed in April 2013. It was a lot of fun and an interesting challenge, especially combining both poem and image without being too heavy-handed.

Zen Kettle - It Makes Tea

Zen Kettle – It Makes Tea

Zen Kettle is a site I created in July 2012 in response to a desire to write a form of haiku that relies less on formal syllabic strictures but which still remains within the borders of acceptable – probably barely acceptable and not acceptable at all to the likes of Basho – three line ku-ku-kachooing. In any case, I really enjoy it, and highly recommend this form to anyone who wants to chronicle their observations and activities in a mindful, concise, in the moment way.

With any luck, one of these days, there will be Veranda Life and Zen Kettle chapbooks to enjoy.