Category Archives: Photography

Decisive Moments in Action

© VernLaw Photography 2010

Senator Bob Brown, leader of the Greens in Australia, recently appeared on ABC TV’s Art Nation and spoke about his love of photography and of capturing decisive moments in history and nature.

You can view the segment by going to the following ABC page – it’s only about 5 minutes long, and shows some beautiful views of the Tasmanian wilderness:

This is one of the ways in which we can participate in capturing decisive moments in our lives and create meaning where otherwise only fleeting glimpses would remain in our memories.  As you can see from Bob Brown’s uplifting experiences, you don’t have to be an expert to enjoy and gain immeasurable benefits from creating images.

How can you do this?  Simply take your camera with you wherever you go and be ready to greet your decisive moments.  This was French photographer, Henri Cartier-Bresson’s approach for decades – he always carried his little Leica with him and was ever-ready for decisive moments.  (See my about page for more information on Henri Cartier-Bresson and his use of the phrase ‘the decisive moment’ to encapsulate his photographic ideology).  Nowadays, digital cameras are compact and easy to carry, and I have to admit that, in honour of Henri, I recently purchased a Leica digital camera in the form of a Panasonic Lumix ZS5 and I love it.  No, this isn’t an affiliate promo – I just love the camera, and I know you’ll find the right one for you.

Start today – enjoy a decisive moment and capture it as well.

© VernLaw Photography